
Be intentional.

Dancers certainly get pushed into the Holidays somewhat prematurely. It’s only early Fall but I’d guess you’re working on Nutcracker in some form or another.

Personally, this really helps me to get excited for the Holidays and the New Year. How about you?

Instead of putting off new goals and intentions until January, why not make October super intentional and carry that proactive momentum through January 2017 and beyond!?

You’ll also set yourself up for success before things really get crazy with performances, secret santa, rehearsals, gift buying, holiday parties and all of those shenanigans.
You know that January usually kicks off audition season whether you’re going for companies or summer programs so setting goals now is a great way to ensure greater success in the New Year.

Some awesome ways to make October more intentional include:

Plan your week – if you don’t have a planner you can diagram out the week each Monday. Use your creativity to make this plan visually appealing and fun to create. My planner is full of color. I like to highlight things with different colored markers. This gets me more excited to plan!

Consider your food choices. The holidays can be dangerous if you don’t think ahead when it comes to eating healthfully. Balance out indulgences with nutrient dense meals full of greens, healthy fats and proteins.

Pointe towards the future – preparing your tools (shoes, makeup, hair) will allow you to feel less stressed and more settled when performance time comes around.

Clean ahead. Take some time now to deep clean your room or apartment. Clean out your closets and make your life as tidy and orderly as possible. This is going to help things to feel less chaotic when it seems like you have no free time.

Manifest, manifest, manifest. As you make goals and positive shifts, really prioritize your belief in what is possible. Visualize making the cut in that big audition. See yourself moving to the city where you’d like to be dancing. Being clear in your mind with what you desire can actually increase the likelihood of it happening.

Check out this related post :   Ideal Height Weight Chart for Dancers

Intentional October

**check out my favorite planner**

This week I’m creating two new FREE resources. One will help you feel more balanced AND the second will help you feel less bloated. I’m glad I can cover a physical stressor and some mental stressors – this way you’ll go into the next few months with an overall greater sense of calm and support.

If you join The Whole DancerĀ email list you’ll be the first to gain access to these new tools!

If there’s ever anything you’d like me to cover – shoot me a line! I want to provide the tools and tips you truly need so if there’s something I haven’t touched on yet – reach out!!

ALSO, exciting news!! You can now sign up for The Whole Dancer Program whenever you’re ready! During the month of October – to celebrate this shift you can receive some BIG exclusive savings – use code: intentionaloctober.

The Whole Dancer Program was created to help dancers cultivate a balanced lifestyle and mindset. The pre – holiday season is a great time to work on that balance. Get the details here.

Intentional October: for balanced Holidays
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Jess Spinner

Jess is a former professional ballet dancer turned Holistic Health, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Coach for high level dancers. She founded The Whole Dancer in 2015 after identifying a greater need for balance, wellness and support in the dance world. Since The Whole Dancer was founded, Jess has worked with 100's of dancers worldwide at top companies and schools. She has been featured in or written for Dance Magazine, Dance Teacher Magazine, Pointe Magazine, and Dance Spirit Magazine.

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